Bible Studies

Bible Studies at LCC: what to expect …

Time: We generally have a 10+ minute break after prayer wraps up around 7:30PM on Tuesdays, so the Bible study doesn’t usually begin until 7:40PM or later.

Dress: Dress tends to be pretty casual, such as jeans (or shorts in the summer), although some people get more dressed up, and many come straight from work.

Location: We generally meet in the Fellowship Hall around a large cluster of tables.  In the past we have also met in the “Living room nook” of the Fellowship Hall, a picture of which can be seen on the Our Facility page.

Accessibility: A ramp walkway leads to the door between the Sanctuary (the left side of the building) and the Fellowship Hall (on the right), providing easy access to both without stairs.

Format: When we’re studying a book of the Bible, the format tends to be pretty informal and interactive.  The leader might ask an open ended question such as “What struck you?” or “What did you think about …?”  People chime in with their thoughts, and ask questions of their own, such as “What does this mean?” or “Why was it done that way?”  There are frequently exclamations such as, “I didn’t know that was in the Bible!”  Discussions of “How does this apply to us today?” and “What lessons can we learn from this?” are often rewarding and help us all.