The healing prayer ministry at Loudon Congregational Church was begun under the tenure of our beloved and longest-term settled pastor, Rev. David Randlett, and is being continued under the guidance of his successor, Rev. Moe Cormier.
We are slowly developing our healing ministry and prayer teams. Current offerings include:
- Healing Prayer at the end of the worship service on the 3rd Sunday of the month.
- Corporate Renewal of Baptismal Vows, usually part of worship services on the 1st Sunday in January.
- A Mother’s Blessing for You (on Mother’s Day, the 2nd Sunday in May) and A Father’s Blessing for You (on Father’s Day, the 3rd Sunday in June). See the article “The Hardest Holidays” for more information on those.
- Generational Healing services, usually offered on Grandparents Day (the 1st Sunday after Labor Day (in September)). For more on Generational Healing, see, for example, What Is Generational Healing?, the article “Generational Healing: The Undiscovered Country” by Russ Parker, or Patricia A. Smith’s book From Generation to Generation.
We also:
- Regularly announce opportunities hosted by other churches and ministries.
- Occasionally offer Soaking Prayer. Soaking prayer offers an extended time to dwell in God’s presence, and is often facilitated by gentle worship music.
- Model and assist with materials and guidance for Home Blessings.
- Plan to join with another church (or churches!) in Loudon to offer a Blue Christmas service in December. (For information on what a Blue Christmas service is, see this article regarding Worship With Those Who Mourn).
- Seek out opportunities to heal our church’s DNA as well as our relationship with other churches and the town of Loudon.
- Look forward to offering training in healing prayer ministry.
Much of the healing prayer ministry we offer is based on training received from Christian Healing Ministries, but it is also informed by other sources.