Congregational Worship at LCC: what to expect …
Time: We meet at 9:30AM on Sundays for worship services, although sometimes we begin a bit late.
Dress: Different people dress differently; some wear jeans or shorts, others get more dressed up.
Music: The style of the music in our worship services is considered “blended” in that it includes both traditional hymns and some more contemporary music.
Communion: We celebrate Communion (The Lord’s Supper) monthly, on the first Sunday of the month. Any baptized and believing Christian is welcome to partake.
Healing Prayer: We offer a time when people may receive prayer for physical, emotional, or spiritual healing on the third Sunday of the month, after the sermon. We also offer healing prayer by request.
Offerings: We collect an offering during worship services on Sunday morning, but visitors are not expected to contribute.
Location: Worship services are generally held in the Sanctuary.
Accessibility: A ramp walkway leads to the door between the Sanctuary (the left side of the building) and the Fellowship Hall (on the right), providing easy access to both without stairs.
Worship service format: Interactive Liturgy is important to us. In addition to singing and giving offerings, the congregation also responds to God via:
- A responsive or unison reading at the beginning of worship.
- Praying scripture aloud together during the time of Praises & Petitions. For sample prayer time inserts, see “Scripture Prayers” on the Ministry Materials page.
- Reciting the Lord’s Prayer together. This is the prayer from Matthew 6:9-13 that begins with “Our Father”.
And has the opportunity to share specific praises or petitions during that portion of the service, as well as testimonies during the Testimonies time.
Worship service order: Here are some sample orders of worship:
- For a typical Sunday: LCC-Bulletin_2018-11-11-sample.
- For a 1st Sunday of the month, with Communion: LCC-Bulletin_2018-08-05-sample-with-creed.
- For a 3rd Sunday of the month, with healing prayer time: LCC-Bulletin_2018-08-19-sample-with-hpt.
Listen online: Some testimonies and sermons can be found on our YouTube channel. Visit the Recordings page for more info.
Fellowship: Usually after worship services we have a fellowship time with coffee and munchies (snacks) in the Fellowship Hall. The Fellowship Hall is the addition to the right of the Sanctuary, and may be entered either through the Sanctuary or through its own entrances.