Prayer Meetings at LCC: what to expect …
Time: We meet at 6:30PM on Tuesdays, although sometimes we begin a bit late. Typically we stay close to the allotted 1 hour, especially when there’s a Bible Study or other meeting scheduled for afterward.
Dress: Dress tends to be pretty casual, such as jeans (or shorts in the summer), although some people get more dressed up, and many come straight from work.
Location: We generally meet in the Fellowship Hall around a large cluster of tables, although sometimes we meet in the Sanctuary. In the past we have also met in the “Living room nook” of the Fellowship Hall, a picture of which can be seen on the Our Facility page.
Accessibility: A ramp walkway leads to the door between the Sanctuary (the left side of the building) and the Fellowship Hall (on the right), providing easy access to both without stairs.
Format: The format varies.
- Typically we begin by putting on the Armor of God aloud together, and conclude by reciting the Lord’s Prayer together. This is the prayer from Matthew 6:9-13 that begins with “Our Father”.
- Frequently the rest is pretty open, and people suggest a song to sing, or read a scripture, or pray a prayer, however they are led.
- Other times it’s more structured. For example,
- a theme or specific intercession being prayed in agreement with other Christians.
- following a model such as A.C.T.S. (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication) and allotting 10-15 minutes for each portion.
- praying in depth through a particular scripture such as a Psalm.
- Other times we spend our time listening to God through Soaking Prayer, typically enjoying a CD by Julie True, Graham Cooke, or Nigel Mumford as mentioned on the Recommended page.
- Occasionally, we will instead have a special service, such as a Generational Healing Service, or a time for corporate repentance and seeking God’s face.
Whatever the format, music is usually involved. We also look forward to occasionally praying with a “harp and bowl” style as is done at Houses of Prayer such as the Capital City House of Prayer in Concord.