Our denominational affiliation is with the CONSERVATIVE CONGREGATIONAL CHRISTIAN CONFERENCE (CCCC). The CCCC is a theologically conservative denomination believing strongly in the autonomy of each local church under the headship of Christ. The CCCC is passionate about healthy pastors, healthy churches, and healthy church multiplication. We seek to love God, love others, and make disciples through the ministry of the local church.
Our members support the ministry of the New Hampshire Alliance. The NH Alliance is an association of Evangelical and Renewal Ministries who are believing God for revival and reformation in our state. NH Alliance brings together the Christian Churches of New Hampshire for the purposes of unified prayer, nights of worship, pastoral fellowship and cooperative ministry to our state.
We also partner with Love In the Name of Christ of the Lakes Region. Love INC of the Lakes Region is a 501(c)(3) non-profit Christian ministry made up of a partnership of local Christian churches serving individuals and families in need living in the Lakes Region.
We also support and/or recommend the following local ministries:
- Care Women’s Center, an organization empowering women and families facing unexpected pregnancies in Merrimack County.
- Rise Again Outreach, a Christian Faith-Centered Organization devoted to sharing God’s love with people who are in crisis or poverty by helping with their temporal and spiritual needs.
- Cornerstone Policy Research, a non-partisan, non-profit organization dedicated to a New Hampshire where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive, and life is cherished.
- Adult & Teen Challenge of New England and New Jersey, a Christian organization changing lives every day from addiction to freedom through their residential programs and other services.
And the following healing prayer ministries:
- Christian Healing Ministries, based in Jacksonville, FL.
- Freedom in Christ Ministries, based in Knoxville, TN.
- Heart of the Father Ministries, based in Ardmore, PA.
- HeartSync Ministries, based in Tallahassee, FL.
- New Creation Healing Center, based in Kingston, NH.
And we support the following international ministries:
- JAARS, providing for the needs of our Bible translation partners worldwide.
- Jews for Jesus, promoting Jewish faith in Jesus.
- Open Doors, supporting persecuted Christians around the world.