- MinistersWifesBlessing.pdf. This was prepared for the minister’s wife’s repentance and blessing portion of the worship service held on Sunday, September 13, 2015. You can find the recordings from that day on YouTube, as noted on the Recordings page. The specific recordings are:
- Sermon: One for the Many: https://youtu.be/szSRIB0peyU
- A Minister’s Repentance: https://youtu.be/iCOoSTMpCZQ
- A Minister’s Wife’s Repentance and Blessing: https://youtu.be/vPJTxwbQQYg
OR even better — use the Pastor’s and wife’s repentance 2015 playlist.
- Scripture Prayers used during the time of Praises & Petitions. Even if you can’t join us for Sunday Worship, you can pray scriptures together with us, praising God and petitioning Him.